We acquire and develop companies in special selected niche markets.

Big Smile Invest

We are privately owned industrial group and we invest in businesses,
Expertise, active engagement, and capital. We are “hands-on” investors.

Often the companies we invest in have reached a stage where a new stage of conduct of business is required in order to improve the business performance and achieve growth. Our companies develop the best in partnership with others in the same sectors.

We are in position to move quickly in the right circumstances.
We assure strict confidence if required.

Please call, e-mail or app

Rob Schut

Investment Criteria

  • Our special selected niche markets
  • Technical companies, technical trading companies, service companies and industrial companies.
  • Medium sized companies
  • European based companies
  • We don’t mind if attendance has been down, we can handle a challenge

Why Big Smile Invest

We contribute vision, inspiration, experience, and partnerships to reach the next stage.

Our companies develop the best in partnerships with other in the same group.

We are “hands-on” we work closely together with our management teams to improve the company’s performance and value.

We are in position to move quickly in the right circumstances.